Do you, like me, feel that feminine power is very different from masculine strength?

Is this underlying power not deeper, while masculine strength seems more obvious and expected?

In Bonobos, females are often dominant. When a female is the alpha of the group, she often remains in that position longer than an alpha male.

The alpha male is replaced when his physical abilities decline, while the wisdom of the alpha female prevails despite age or illness.

Deep within me, there's a strong belief that every woman possesses a much more evolutionary power, almost sacred in a way. First, on a physiological level, the connection to nature (through gestation or menstruation) constantly brings self-reflection and renewal to every woman.

It's a much more intuitive power in the end. On the other hand, men and their strength are much more stationary and concrete, as if more grounded.

Paradigm shifts are much rarer in men.

Please note that I'm not trying to compare the powers here, but rather to highlight their complementarity. In a way, it's by opposing primary feminists who advocate gender equality that I embrace the duality of man and woman, which I believe is one of the most beautiful aspects of life.

In this photographic serie I am trying to show this subtle power of Venus that so many men have tried to silence.


Astral Duality


Un Homme féministe